Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh the things she remembers...

Ella lays in bed sometimes for hours before she falls asleep. She talks to her animals, jumps on her bed, and just talks about random things. We like to listen to her on the monitor (both for safety reasons as well as the humor!). A couple of days ago we heard, "Kaiser ate all the 'Ritos. Kaiser a good eater, I'm best eater. Kaiser ate all the 'Ritos." This continued for some time. I called Mom to see if Kaiser ate all the Doritos when they stayed at the hotel with them. Mom doesn't recall the details but decided that yes, Kaiser probably did eat all the Doritos that he was given in his bowl. Apparently it was a memorable event for Ella.

We also went to the Jazz & Blues Festival in Gahanna last weekend. Ella LOVED it! I left early to take Kate home because she wasn't such a fan. Ella was on Pete's shoulders dancing - she loves to dance. She must have been enjoying it - Ann said that everyone around her was watching and laughing because she was having such a good time. Zac managed to get a video of it on his cell phone. I will have to figure out how to get it off my phone so I don't lose it. She looked so cute!

Kate is being baptized this weekend - Jonathan and Angie came into town early to spend some time around town. I made the mistake of telling Ella that they were coming. So of course she didn't want to go to bed, she wanted to play with her Uncle Jonnie! She doesn't quite get that tomorrow will be here AFTER we go to sleep. So she laid in bed and repeated, "I want to get up, eat banana, and play with my cousin, Uncle Jonnie". We also is working on the definition of a cousin - Aunt Annie is her cousin, Uncle Zac is Annie's cousin (not really!!).

Kate has been doing great - she is such a good baby. She's getting so big - she will be 3 months next week. It's so hard to beleive that 3 months have already passed. Time sure does fly!
As I said earlier, Kate is being baptized this weekend - she likes her bath so hopefully she will be okay with the process - the water is only on her head!

Here are some pictures that were taken a while ago...
The carousel at the Zoo in April
Smiling Kate...
Snoozing Kate...
Another picture from the Zoo...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Fun

Ella's vocabulary is expanding so quickly and she surprises us with a new word nearly every day. She and Daddy were pretending to be watching a parade on our stairs the other day. She said, "Daddy, wave to the Grand Marshall". We have no idea where she heard that, but it definitely made us laugh. She also has been using time references lately - and generally she uses them correctly, but the last couple of days instead of saying "in a couple of minutes" she says she will do it "in a couple soons". It cracks me up every time!

Kate has been smiling for a while now, but I can't seem to capture the true moment with the camera. It just looks like she has her mouth wide open. She's such a happy baby. And a good sleeper! She wakes up at night only to eat and then goes right back to sleep. She only has one night feeding. It's amazing how quickly she is growing. At her two month appointment a couple of weeks ago, she was 12 lb and 23 in which is the 75% for both! She has also had more interest in finding her thumb lately. I recall Ella doing the same thing at this age - looks like both of our girls will be thumb suckers! Can't wait for the orthodontist bills!

I don't think that Aunt Annie will ever find me here!

Ella's turn to count and find Aunt Annie...

Kate is determined to be a thumb sucker - just like her big sister!

Showing off her smile - Mommy can't seem to get a good picture!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cousin Camping '09

This past weekend we attended our 6th Annual Cousin Camping trip. We had a lot of fun...really good weather and lots of laughs. We always have so much fun when we get together!

It was also the 2nd Annual Cousin Camping trip for Ella, Kelsey & Kaiser (of course, it was Kate's first!). Mom and Dad got a hotel room in the area that we camped and stayed with the kids. I know that Ella had fun and she was exhausted when we got home! I don't have any pictures of their fun although I can tell you that it invovled lots of swimming and ice-cream!

The Boys...

The Girls...
Poor Jill...see her peeking out?

Catching Up

I think that we are going to try this out. It seems easier to post pictures so hopefully I will keep up on it a little more. Here are some pictures from our summer thus far. Ella has been enjoying playing outside and Kate seems to fall asleep as soon as we hit the grass!