Andrea, Jesse & Hudson came to visit us on the 11th. Ella & Hudson had so much fun together. They don't see each other very often, but as soon as they pulled up Ella ran to the car waiting for Hudy (pronouned like Rudy - Hudson was born on our late Grandpa's birthday (Rudy) therefore Hudson's Grandma nicknamed his Hudy and it stuck!) to get out of the car. And the running and yelling and playing didn't stop for many hours! On Friday we ate some pizza, took a walk to feed the ducks (although both Ella & Hudy ate the bread that they were supposed to be giving to the ducks), and ate some ice-cream. On Saturday we got up and went to the zoo, played outside, watched some football and grilled. It was a really fun weekend. Ella & Kate were both exhausted on Sunday!
Kate was so good all weekend!

Hudson & Ella were so funny in the stroller