Monday, December 14, 2009

A Visit with Santa - 12.12.09

We went to see Santa on Saturday.  We walked to our downtown area (which is the reason that Kate's nose is so red!) to see him.  There was no line when we got there and the girls were able to just walk right up to him and sit on his lap.  We weren't sure how Ella would do.  She, of course, likes the idea of Santa, but we didn't know if she would climb up on his lap.  But she did - didn't mind at all.  I put Kate on his lap too.  The baby that needs Mom all the time was just fine with Santa.  She did pull his beard but other than that the trip was a success.  No tears what-so-ever!  Ella told him that she wants Tinkerbell and a candy cane because they were right next to him in a basket.  Santa gave her one and she ate the entire thing!  I say yuck, but she loved it!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Still here...

It's been so long since I have updated...not sure why.  Just haven't found the time.

Kate is now 8 months old!  And completely a Mommy's girl.  She loves to socialize with everyone - as long as Mommy is holding her.  If she is exhausted it's Mommy or bust, but she can be convinced to allow Daddy or Aunt Annie to hold her if she has had sleep throughout the day.  (Although she always wants Aunt Annie to hold her during church because Ann lets her have the bulletin and books.  She doesn't forget this from week to week either.)  Last week while Pete was holding Kate and I was waiting to get Ella from Sunday School, a lady came up to us and told us that if she was deciding to have another, watching Kate in church would definitely influence her to have one.  She said that she watches her every week - at the beginning of Mass she is watching everyone and socializing (mixed with a little yelling to get a little extra attention) and then she falls asleep.

Ella is definitely trying out her Big Girl-ness.  This is a very trying stage for me and Pete (and anyone else that may be trying to be in control).  She is not consistently taking naps anymore.  A tired Ella is a very stubborn Ella so some days are rough.  She also picks up on EVERYTHING we do...she and Aunt Annie were having a phone conversation across the table from each other.  Ella:  "Hi Annie, what is going up?"  Annie:  "Nothing, what is going up with you."  (What's going on or what's up with you)  Ann and I were doing everything in our power not to crack up.  And the Christmas lights, she can't get enough of them this year.  She loves to drive around and point them out to us.  It's fun to see her get so excited.  She makes us laugh everyday.

Here are some pictures from the last month or so...

Peace at last...

Our Zoo Lights Trip - we go every year but never again will we go on opening Zoo Members night.  Who knew there were SO many Zoo members.  It was miserable!
Downtown Gahanna has a Winter Wonderland which includes some kid-sized community buildings - Ella couldn't get enough of the bank.

What we thought would be our Christmas card picture...guess not.  Pictures are hard with Pete being nearly a foot taller than me.

Kate LOVES to eat - really doesn't care about the bottle at all.