Kate had her first birthday the day before Easter. I would love to say that she enjoyed opening her presents and eating her cake, but neither of those would be true. Since it was such a beautiful day we opened her presents and ate cake in the sunroom. Kate stood by the door the entire time hoping that she would be able to go outside again. Ella did enjoy opening all of Kate's gifts and oohh-ing and ahhh-ing about all of them. Kate didn't mind at all. And we thought for sure that Kate would LOVE her cake because she WAS willing to try nearly anything and liked a variety of food. Nope. She put her hand in the icing and couldn't figure out how to get it off. She did put one finger in her mouth, but apparently didn't enjoy it. I put a piece of cake in her mouth and she spit it out. That was it. Not a fan. Oh well.
She is now an active walker. She has been walking with assistance for quite some time, but liked the security of having a hand to help her. Now she is walking all the time and enjoying her freedom.
We went to her 1 year doctor appointment last Monday. She had to get 3 shots and I had both girls with me. They both cried - Ella may have cried harder. This is the first time that Kate cried when getting her shots. Kate weighed in at 19 lb 2 oz (15%) and 29.5 inches (60%).
This is Ella at swimming lessons - it turned out dark. She loves to swim.

Enjoying the nice weather - Aunt Annie took them into the fountain to get soaked!