Friday, October 30, 2009


Let's see, where to start...

Kate is nearly 7 months old! She has 2 teeth and she is working on her top two. We got through lots of outfits and bibs! She is rolling over all the time and is enjoying a little more independence. She can *almost* sit up by herself and is just starting to push up when she is on her belly. She really isn't very motivated to be mobile. She prefers to be held by Mommy. She is DEFINITELY a Mommy's girl. She's fine with whoever until she sees me. Then it has to be Mommy - Daddy can be feeding her but the minute she sees me, she cries until I come to finish up! While I love it most of the time, it's really hard for me to get much done -and- many times Ella would like to have Mommy's attention, but Kate just isn't happy about sharing. Poor Daddy just feels helpless. Kate also really knows her sister. Whenever she sees Ella, she busts out in laughter. Kate thinks Ella is the funniest person ever! Ella dances for her and Kate cracks up. Then they are both laughing. We have tried to get it on video but when the video camera comes out, Ella automatically stops what she is doing and has to see what we are recording.

We went trick or treating last night (and the previous weekend when we visited Grammy & Grampy). This was the first year that Ella really got into it and was excited. She was a "pumpkin witch". I have no idea what a pumpkin witch is, but that's what she insisted she was. We just went on our street and to Aunt Annie & Uncle Zac's. Then she came home to pass out the candy. She would giggle and jump when she saw more kids headed our way for candy. I think that she enjoyed handing out the candy as much as getting it. Kate just hung out and watched - but by 7:00 she was done - she zonked out quickly!

Ella is really growing up. I keep hearing from people that 3 is much more trying than 2 - and so far I can vouch for that! Too bad that she JUST turned 3! She is constantly trying to see how far she can push us and see what she can get away with. And if she doesn't get a nap, watch out - it's going to be a LONG evening! But she still makes us laugh all the time too. This morning she woke up and said, "Mommy, my hair is a WRECK!". She was right, it was a disaster, but I had to laugh. Guess she's heard that a time or two! She told Aunt Annie a couple of days ago that she didn't match and that the thing in her hair didn't match either. We went to my Grandma's last weekend. She was playing with a remote controlled toy. She kept telling it that it lied. She wanted Grammy to spank it because it told a lie. Mom was cracking up. I don't recall having a conversation with her about lying but maybe she heard it at the babysitter. And she remembers EVERYTHING!

Ann & Zac are expecting a BABY!!! We are excited. We have known for a while now, but they are now sharing the news! Her due date is May 23rd - which is really close to my birthday - I told them that I would share! Ha! (By the way, she's feeling GREAT! No morning sickness at all!!)

I think that's about it. We are looking forward to getting some fall chores done at home this weekend. Last weekend was my 15 year class reunion so we got nothing done! We had a good time though and enjoyed spending time with old friends (new friends for Pete I guess!). I laughed so hard that I cried on multiple occassions!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kate is 6 months old!

Our baby is already 6 months old! I love this time period when they change so much and become more aware of things around them. Kate thinks that Ella is the funniest person in the world. As soon as Kate spots her Kate cracks up. Ella likes to entertain her too so they are a good pair. Daddy made the mistake of calling Kate, Kate-a-rooni one day. Ella picked right up on that, however she thought that he said Kate-a-rudy. Now this is her name. Ella calls her Kate-a-rudy nearly everytime she is speaking to her or about her. She will ask people, "Do you want to see my little sister, Katarooti?" So it's official, she's Kate-a-rudy. And Mommy & Daddy, (and Aunt Annie) have been heard shortening it to Rudy (which was my Grandpa's name!)

At Kate's 6 month appointment she weighed15 lbs 7.5 oz & was 26.75 inches long. This puts her in the 25th % for weight & 90th % for height. She also had both bottom teeth and is working on the two top ones. She rolls over with no problem and is getting stronger at sitting. She will be on the go before we know it!
Make sure you read below - there are lots more posts!

It's Fall!

Ella & Daddy worked on Saturday cleaning up the yard to get ready for the winter. Her favorite part was walking through the leaves after Daddy worked so hard to gather them (always a big helper!). She also liked being in the bag and jumping on the leaves to pack them down. Kate and Mommy just observed all the fun! Next year Daddy will be lucky enough to have 2 big helpers!

Daddy's Birthday and Odds & Ends

Pete's birthday is one week after Ella's so he kind of gets the short end of the stick. We usually talk about upcoming birthdays for weeks and celebrate for at least a week. But poor Daddy's birthday is always crowded by Ella's. This year we did go camping the weekend before his birthday so that was sort of a birthday celebration. Grandma & Grandpa H. watched the girls while we went so Pete was able to enjoy some adult beverages without having to get up early in the morning! We celebrated on his birthday with pizza and a cake. Of course Ella had to help him blow out his candle!

And some random pictures...

Ella's Birthday

Birthday Princess

Ella is 3 Years Old! It's hard to believe that she can be 3 already! For her birthday we let her choose if she wanted to go to the zoo or to a pumpkin patch. We were at the zoo the previous week when Hudson visited so she chose the pumpkin patch. We went to Leed's Farm in Ostrander. She enjoyed going down the slides, jumping on the "Giant Pumpkin", but her favorite was playing in the straw. That evening we grilled, opened presents, and had cake.
Jumping in the hay (or is it straw? I always get it wrong!)

Hanging out waiting on Ella (as usual!)

She showed this much excitement with everything that she opened - cards included! And generally she said, "Oh Mommy, it's SO beautiful!"
Barely any spit on the cake after this big blow!
Daddy is being a good sport - it's hard being the only boy in the house!