Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kate's 9 Month Development

It's hard to believe that our little Kate is already 9 months old!  She is crawling everywhere.  She has been "mobile" since the beginning of December, but now she is officially crawling.  She started army crawling, then went to an interesting move of being on her hands, one knee, and keeping the other leg straight out to the side to push herself along.  It was really funny to watch.  Now she is crawling on hands and knees and moving quickly.  She LOVES to eat - anything really!  She does not like to drink her bottle - never has and apparently never will.  Some days we are lucky to get her to drink 3 ounces at a time.  She is sleeping through the night for the most part.  She is very strong willed and has a temper.  I thought that she would be my laid back daughter since the Ella is strong willed.  But if things progress like they have been, she may be more stubborn than her big sister!  We are in trouble.  She has 4 teeth now - the two top front teeth popped through within the last week.  She loves to play with Ella and gets stiff with excitement when she sees her.  At her doctor's appointment she was 17lb 3oz (25%) and 29 in (90%).  Growing like a weed.  Both girls will be taller than me by age 6 if we keep up at this pace!

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