Monday, February 7, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Well, we aren't really that busy, just don't find a lot of time to update our blog...obviously!  The girls are growing like weeds!
 Ella is loving school and is growing up way too fast.  She is really eager to learn to read and is able to read some basic words by herself.  She's like a little adult and we can have a "real" conversation with her.  I keep trying to convince her to stay 4 forever.  She has now decided that she will because our babysitters grandson told her that in Kindergarten you have to lay down and rest.  She isn't having any of that so she will just stay 4 and in preschool for the rest of her life.  Fine by me!
Kate is talking non-stop and we can understand nearly everything that she says.  She is learning her manners too - we were in Gap the other day and she was walking past a man.  Instead of saying "excuse me" she said "excuse you" just as plain as could be.  The man laughed.  He was very understanding because he had a 7 and 10 year old girl - just about the same age difference as Ella & Kate.
Other that that, we are getting ready for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and SPRING!  I'm ready for the warmer weather and playing outside!

Feeding Baby Lauren aka Baby Lulu

Ella in her Princess Witch outfit
Playing outside - December!

We can't have a box around without it turning into a boat

Kate's new phone

They both loved Santa. 

Kate's first day in pigtails

Grammy & Ella making dessert

Kate & Grampy

Our Princesses

Story Time

Kate loves to help with the dishwasher

Aunt Annie & Lulu playing at Uncle Zac's work

Ella  - looking good!

Daddy & Kate

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